Although being in the same district all the 3 schools have very different backgrounds on an operational basis as NSKAB is primary level, MTS is Secondary level and KUKLBSS is the girls school. In the first week, I tried to observe and understand the tradition of teaching practices. Besides that, I also tried to understand the concept and views of different teachers regarding the use of A/V classes where I found the following observations:
Observations in NSKAB:
- Lack of teachers
- SMC’s member and office helper’s involvement in teaching practices
- Teachers prefer the traditional method over the A/V method of teaching
- Lack of awareness among teachers about the importance and potential use of computers
- Lack of proper routine including A/V periods
- A/V class is conducted only by the BITS LADDER facilitator which is two times a week
Observations in MTISSS:
- Lack of proper seating arrangements for students
- Both students and teachers show keen interest for the use of A/V medium for teaching and learning
- practices
- Proper routines for A/V classes are yet to be developed
- Presence of self-learning and research teachers
Observations in KUKLBSS
- A/V classroom is regularly used for nursery class only
- Lack of proper routine regarding A/V classes
- Students are keen to learn through an A/V medium
- Absence of subject teachers in A/V room during classes conducted by BITS LADDER facilitator
- A/V class is conducted only by the BITS LADDER facilitator which is two times a week
- Students have access to the ICT room during leisure and recess time.
After a week-long observation of the schools it was necessary to carry out a few activities for the betterment of the teaching and learning practices.
- Deep discussion with head teachers for the routine set-up and presence of subject teachers while
- conducting the A/V classes
- Practically showing the teachers how to be effective facilitators while teaching in an A/V medium
- Facilitating the students in the absence of teachers
- Teaching the students in regular classrooms during internet and electricity disturbances
It totally depends on teachers and the school management on the use of technology for teaching practices. The schools whose teachers are aware of importance of the computers have surely made an impact in comparison to other schools where teachers resist the change. The overall impact in all the schools is listed below:
- Students have learned to operate the A/V tools and browse the A/V tools by themselves
- Preprimary students are involved in extracurricular activities like dancing and singing
- Students with mobile and computer access at home are involved in studying activities at home as well
- Students involvement is high in practicing problems displayed on boards
Impact on NSKAB
- The headteacher is dedicated to using the A/V room and frequently uses it during the leisure period for
- teaching practices as there is a lack of regular teachers.
- A general report on the progress of teachers and students
- Prepared by: Bhupendra Yadav,
- Cluster Impact Lead, Bits Ladder International Pvt. Ltd.
Impact on KUKLBSS
- Students pursue by themselves the A/V learning method
- The number of students who uses ICT and surf the internet by themselves
- The teachers show readiness to learn and explain through A/V medium
Impact on MTISSS
- The A/V medium for teaching is used most of the time
- Other teachers who don’t have access due to improper routine are keen to learn and teach through
- the A/V medium
- Exemplary videos are used to assign the project work to students and students complete them as well
- Teachers share their experiences with other teachers
What could have been done better?
- A proper training program for the teachers to make them aware of the use and importance of
- computers in today’s world and where we stand.
- Some sort of rules and criteria should have been laid down for the technologies provided.
- Continuous monitoring, supervision, and feedback should be done
- Proper routine could have been much more helpful
The school's teachers are yet to understand the importance of the opportunity provided as it has come free of cost which has not been producing the results desired. The human nature of “resisting change” of some teachers has prioritized the traditional method of teaching over the A/V medium. On the other hand, those teachers who want to teach through the A/V medium have to face the lack of a proper routine schedule to teach properly. Hence, I recommend asking the schools to set a proper routine at first and follow it in a proper way if a fruitful result is desired.